Aspen Ridge's roots are in trees - planting, treating, maintaining, and when necessary, removing the many kinds of trees found across the Wisconsin landscape. Aspen Ridge is committed to the health of your trees and will only perform professionally accepted practices.
Our professional tree services including pruning, removal, and planting keep your trees healthy and beautiful.
You won't find us topping a tree, removing an excessive amount of live wood, using climbing spikes on trees which are not being removed, or removing or disfiguring living trees without just cause.
In addition to being a certified arborist, David Gust also holds a Wisconsin pesticide applicator license in order to fully treat trees from the roots up.
Tree Trimming
Tree Removal
Root Collar Excavations
Emerald Ash Borer Protection
Tree Injections
We're always hiring
honest, hard-working, dependable
team members.